Although I live in Boulder, CO, I was a summer resident of Giant's Neck Beach in Niantic, CT, since 1980.

For many years I managed a large art supply store in Greenwich VIllage, New York. I would always look forward to weekends and summer vacations painting the local landscape and shoreline around our beach.

Often I will paint while sitting at anchor in my small skiff, it makes for a nice, private, albeit bouncy artistic experience.  

Since moving to Boulder, I have spent many days up in Rocky Mountain National Park and Yellowstone, Montana painting and fishing. The beauty of Colorado surrounds me and has offered me many opportunities to do what I love.

My art background consists of a fine arts degree from Syracuse University, studies at Parsons, the New School and the Art Student's League of New York.


For more information / inquiries please email me at


Bob's Fishing Blog:

Yellowstone 2018:

Yellowstone 2017:

Yellowstone 2015:

Yellowstone 2013:

Yellowstone 2011:

Sand Creek, August 2011: